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吉尔·贝克,埃德. D.

Superintendent of 学校
长滩 Unified School District

Dr. 吉尔·贝克被教育委员会一致推选为十大菠菜导航网址的督学,8月1日起生效, 2020. 该学区是加州第四大学区,拥有约6.55万名学生.

With 30 years of experience in 菠菜网lol正规平台, Dr. Baker worked for 28 of those years as a successful teacher, 在她被任命为校长之前,她是校长和中央办公室的行政人员. Her leadership contributed to increased student achievement, 发展多个全区倡议和系统, and a culture of continuous improvement.

Dr. 贝克被任命为院长正值全球COVID-19大流行艰难的头几个月, 但菠菜网lol正规平台将继续成为加州第一个重新开放校园进行面对面学习的大型学区. As part of 菠菜网lol正规平台’s pandemic recovery effort, Dr. Baker led the development of the District’s first Learning Acceleration and 支持计划, 整合各种资源——包括来自州和联邦政府的重大流行病恢复资金——以提供尽可能好的学习机会. In support of this work, 菠菜网lol正规平台的教育委员会通过了一项卓越和公平政策, 学区实施了一项黑人学生成就倡议, 博士和. 贝克指导了教育委员会会议的重组,以便更加关注学生的成果. 她还创建了督学学生咨询委员会, 导致学生的声音被提升到许多传统上由成年人占据的环境中. 

Dr. 贝克因其鼓舞人心的领导能力和倡导对有需要的学生的高期望和支持而受到几个社区组织的认可. 她与加州正义组织和加州平等与正义会议等社区团体密切合作,在制定注重卓越的项目和政策时纳入学生的声音, equity and inclusion. 

Dr. 贝克在成为校长之前担任了六年的副校长. During that time, she provided leadership, supervision and support to multiple departments in 菠菜网lol正规平台, ensuring that students graduate ready for college and careers. Her departmental oversight included early learning, leadership development, curriculum and instruction, and school supervision and support. 她领导了校长督导学习社区的实施, 这是一项多年的努力,通过改善对校长的指导和支持,重点关注教育的卓越性和公平性. 她与有抱负的新管理人员的合作得到了全国的认可,并被认为建立了一个高质量的领导渠道,将在未来许多年里使当地学校受益. She helped to author several nationally published, scholarly articles on 菠菜网lol正规平台’s work, particularly on the topic of leadership development.

Dr. 贝克还帮助开发了分类和认证人员的评估系统. 她共同主持了英语学习者/社会情感教育工作队,负责缩小成绩差距, and she served on the bargaining team for union negotiations. A teacher at heart, Dr. Baker spends much of her time in local schools, 保持“现场”的观点,并与老师和管理人员互动.

Prior to her work as deputy superintendent, Dr. Baker held various assistant superintendent positions and was chief academic officer while 菠菜网lol正规平台 saw several critical milestones:  an increase in the school district’s elementary promotion standards; the implementation of a collaborative K-12 walk-through process for school visitations; refinement of standards-based report cards; launching Transitional Kindergarten; co-leadership of the principal evaluation system development team and other efforts to cultivate a leadership pipeline.

Dr. Baker enjoys multiple connections with local organizations, foundations and universities, 所有这些都在继续支持学区的努力. 她还担任the 长滩 学校 Financial Credit Union的董事会成员, 这是一家由菠菜网lol正规平台教师于1935年创建的金融机构, 她是洛杉矶县督学咨询委员会的成员.

从1992年开始,作为伯内特小学(现在的史密斯小学)的模范教师. 1998年至2005年,贝克在加菲尔德小学担任了一名成功的校长,之后在菠菜网lol正规平台担任了14年的中央办公室管理员.

2005年,博士. 贝克完成了她的任期在广阔的城市管理者学院研究员. 她于2004年在南加州大学获得教育领导学博士学位, 加州州立大学学校管理硕士学位, 长滩 in 1998, 以及她在加州大学的社会学学士学位, 1991年在尔湾.

Dr. Baker was born at Beale Air Force Base in Marysville, Calif. 她的父母早些时候在日本相遇,当时他们都在美国工作.S. Air Force base there. Her mother was teaching for the Department of Defense, and her father was an officer in the Air Force. Her parents settled in Santa Cruz, Calif., where Baker was raised until she left for college.


Dr. Baker has earned numerous awards and accolades, 包括市长基金和长滩市长罗伯特·加西亚颁发的教育冠军奖, 以及全国有色人种协进会长滩分会颁发的中等教育奖, which also recognized her with an Outstanding Women Award. 长滩教师协会为她颁发了管理者金苹果奖, 国际妇女乐观主义者将她命名为杰出女性.

Updated October 24, 2022